

Ample Corpus of Traditional Vallenato

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ACORDEV is an online resource to perform advanced searches in a corpus of traditional vallenato lyrics. Vallenato, along with cumbia, is probably the most representative Colombian music. This first version of ACORDEV includes 372 lyrics by 12 songwriters. These lyrics have been structured and indexed so they can be searched more thoroughly and efficiently.

ACORDEV is a means to ask songwriters (many of whom play the accordion and sing their songs) about the characteristics of their music. This resource allows filtering of linguistic and music features, which can be used to build profiles of the music and the language of these songwriters.

ACORDEV is a product of the CORDEV (Corpus of Traditional Vallenato) project, funded by the Colombian Ministry of Culture. The project was a winner of one of the 2019 awards to develop special safeguard actions for Colombian immaterial heritage.

Please send any questions, comments, or suggestions about this resource to Diego Burgos (PI) to burgosda [at]